One Lp that hit NYC as a epidemic. Nasir olu dara jones of long island city (Queens NY), realeased illmatic at a turning point in hip hop. Between for walls, Qboro streets and the walls of Queensbridge houses, he wrote the album. Along with the right elements he took the weight of illmatic to NYC and abroad. There were many strong voices/mc’s/groups 94’. At the time of my generation, by social observation the album reintroduced/street conceptualized project life, the drug epidemic, the prison system, God, religion, the urban plight, the school system, family and the art of rhyming: all in one 10 song LP.
I think for many the Illmatic LP, though written from the grounds of Nas’ life help put the urban plight in perspective internationally. Illmatic is a stream of consciousness where everybody, past present and future can pull something from it. In reflection this commentary takes a break from the digital connections, fads, politics and propaganda of today's industry and pop-culture; to go back to grassroots essence: life, the mind, the pen and pad. Illmatic, brother Nasir, salute.-
Consciously yours

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