Freelance journalist/Recording artist Zion Antoni brings another effort on behalf of Amercian inner cities. The trials and blights that has shapeshifted a city called Camden NJ has been defining for years. As any American city, drug trafficking, Homicide, to issues of below the poverty line living creates seemingly perpetual conditions. Zion delves deep into Camden NJ streets to bring a format of virtues, and vices within the american inner city blights. As a journalist, he presents this Essay/Ebook as a labor of love, and as an insightful look at an America some, don’t know.
“Camden has been under siege for decades” Zion says. “The work of a journalist brings pictures, and the narratives of life to the people”. Zion offers what most has considered, and what has been branded as a poster child of American inner cities, Camden NJ, Documented In Ebook form free to the public as an educational and insightful project, of struggle, and solution. This Ebook illustrates that Industries, people, ethnicity and economics all play a part of the triumph and tragedy of this south Jersey city. Another installment from the Urban Cry LLC, Zion Antoni offers insight on a troubled landscape.