If Clarence 13X, (N.O.I surname) more affectionately known as “Allah”, were alive today and here to observe the 21st century, he would see the breadwidth of his teachings standing as a structure, “the nation” he envisioned, as relayed by Fard Muhammad. Historically its been about a quarter of a generation since his departure. And as I stand here, As a man of another faith, but a fundamental persuasion, and as a Freelance Journalist, I see another shade of nationalism; a seed of African American nationalism. I also see another product of fundamentals, and socio ethics, geared to help empower and edify with knowledge, a people with a past that has courted oppressions. The five percent nation, or the nation of gods and earths was birthed amidst the hazy years of black nationalism; the mid to late sixties when the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad administered to the black community, nationally concerning issues of community, the family, knowledge of self, the black woman and etc. There were teachings under the authority of Fard Muhammad; a man, considered by many was the Incarnation of Allah, or Almighty God himself. As Elijah lead, by his role as “Prophet”(one whom speaks for God), Clarence 13X spent brief time with Fard Muhammad himself concerning his teachings, learning fundamentals, one being which is arithmetic, or the “math” of existence. Concluding ultimately, From a social outlook, divine perspective, and mathematical blueprint, He presented The black man(Asiatic) is divine in nature, or God. And that earth, to the current holds the 85% uncivilized, the 10% who controls the world, and the wise, righteous, divine, 5%. Then, knowledge of mathematical equivalence to names, purpose, and principles to the universe he harnessed this for himself; the understanding for himself, and a small collection of advocates and youth. This persuasion of the teachings was considered idealism, a controversy among black nationalist groups during this time of America, and the federal government. It was a greater controversy with the administration of its predecessor, the Nation of Islam. Clarence, or “Allah’ pursued, colonized Harlem NY, and made the Nation’s First “Pilgrimage” to Brooklyn NY (Medina), to impart on its first converts. I felt the need to lay out the historical account of the 5% nation. Because most of us, within the structures of inner cities know it by cultural accounts: Music, pop culture, and community influence. Post Clarence’s(Allah) Untimely death, these teachings were carried through global institutions as Zulu nation, artists, devotee’s like Rakim, Brand Nubians and Wu tang clan. As its wave within pop culture brought waves to the youth, during the time of its height(Late 80’s, Mid to late 90’s), some understood, and practiced the nations fundamental value, as some understood references and ideologies of the nation as the current fad. Nonetheless, up to date, in the case of Urban America, and African Diaspora, I’ll record the nation’s influence, as solely fundamental. In example, an element where there was little unity, a cultural front. Where there was criminal influx? an education of purpose. Where communities thrived on poverty, an academy of knowledge. Regardless to the many worldviews toward the nation of gods and earths, it is, and was a major part of black nationalism, due to its cultural, and fundamental influence to urban America. Nationalism at its initial growth, told America to stand up; urban America to its present day breath, should receive by example the fundamental roots, and ethics of groups like the nation and other, to apply, even in this, present hour. Behold: there are issues still facing homogeneous groups In our urbanized communities. History is the past tense. History is a teacher, but I am a firm believer, that fundamentals applied to troubled, monopolized communities, peoples, struggling to live in the present, will pro create a better future. Amin.
Consciously Yours,