The deepest pockets of west Baltimore have experienced years being impovershed. Streets possesed by the seaport drugtrade: black tops, bluetops, processed opium with high street value. Out of town wars, hot blocks with residents, customers dying slow, the drug trade of Urban America; A synopsis of death, poverty, incareceration and profits that descend into percentages.As a grassroots advocate and co labourer, and in the wake of black history month post 20th century, I wanted to bring the life and times, and contribution of De andre McCollough; the youth who contributed the realities of his daily in the early nineties to Baltimore writers to depict a war, a race between humanity, drugs, politics, and inner city culture. The result was a masterpiece entitled The Corner. It grew into a HBO series, and a landmark in pop culture: The stain, the ever re occurring realities we face coast in urban America. A novel thick with an account of two dedicated writers, a Baltimore youth infected with the perpetual reign of his environment, and his peers. I re present this testament, knowing all those that know the struggle, and know the tragedy can swear by the truth of this modern day scripture. De andre recently passed last year, 2012, toward the latter of the summer. I in my occupation, and my administration wont let the testament sit in vain, but rather let it burn through propaganda, and perpetual inner city destruction. Baltimore, “charm city” this is your Unsung hero. Honor his life by honoring the future of Baltimore At-risk inner city youth.-
Consciously Yours,